
Cortex Entertainment takes a different approach when it comes to delivering your entertainment system.

Below are a few of our core beliefs, these inform our decisions on partner manufacturers, system design and performance standards for your system.

Complete System Design

A system is only as good as the weakest link, so all our designs are comprised of components that complement each other. Even a great product will not perform at its best on its own, it needs to be married to complimentary components to reveal all its capabilities. 

Your Room is a part of the system 

When you are listening to anything, the environment is crucial to the experience. Talking in your bathroom sounds different than talking in your living room. The environment where your system will perform influences our choice of components. 


Quality of a component is not solely determined by its performance.  Build quality and aesthetics are also factored into our designs. We want our systems to not just sound great but also be a pleasure to behold.

Size does not matter 

If you are building a listening room specifically for our system, we are more than happy to assist, but most of our systems will live in a room that is also used for other functions. Great results can be achieved by professionally designing your system to fit the room, without overwhelming it.

Amplified Speakers

Traditional audio systems are comprised of an amplifier and a speaker manufactured by different companies, each being done without the knowledge of what the other is doing. Powered speakers are designed as a complete sub system of an entertainment system and therefore are more efficient and balanced.


The ability of a system to conform to the space it will live in is critical to optimizing its performance. Many luxury components do not have this capability and therefore are only capable of performing at their best in rooms designed for them, not your room. All Cortex Entertainment systems will be optimized for your space.  


Like any sophisticated system, entertainment systems need to be maintained to perform at their peak capability. Every Cortex Entertainment system comes with regularly scheduled maintenance to guarantee optimal performance.